Wednesday, November 17, 2010

PaLA CRD Webinar: User Assessment and User Studies

Dates & Time: December 15 from 2-4pm AND December 16 from 2-4pm (Webinar format is two 2-hour sessions)

Instructor: Erin Mayhood, Head, Music Library at University of Virginia

Description: In this workshop participants will learn how to transition their libraries into institutions that embrace assessment and user centered design. Specifically, we will learn how to:

  1. incorporate users' expectations and needs into the program design process
  2. understand and employ the basic methods of gathering user requirements data, including surveys, card sorts, focus groups, and usability testing
  3. employ user requirements data in decision making and planning processes
  4. keep up to date with ever-changing user demographics 5. incorporate user requirements data into library assessment programs
Cost: No cost to attend! The College & Research Division is able to provide this webinar through LSTA funds. Transportation cost to the webinar location is not included.

To Register:

Questions? Contact: Bonnie Oldham at

This workshop has been fully funded with Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds administered by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries and would not have been possible without the help of the College and Research Division of PaLA. Show your appreciation by becoming a member of PaLA! And if you are a member – thank you!

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