Thursday, October 21, 2010

Conference coming, Oh my!

The emails have been coming fast and furious, reminding us about this and that event at the PaLA 2010 Annual Conference, which begins Sunday, October 24th, in Lancaster. If you're at all like me, you are just now mapping out your schedule. So to help you, here's a schedule of events that are either being sponsored by the CRD or that the CRD is participating in.

If you'd like like to blog any event at the conference, and you are a member of the CRD but not a blog member yet, just send me an email (lneyer (at) bloomu (dot) edu) and ask for an 'invitation'.

See you soon!

Sunday Oct 24

2:00–3:00pm Partnering to Introduce eBooks into a Graduate Education Course

Going Mobile: Putting Your Library in the Hands of Your Patrons

Assessing Assignments: The Library as Partner in Campus-Wide Assessments

4:30–5:15pm Conference 101

7:30–10:00pm President's Program & Reception

Monday Oct 25

9:00–10:15am What They Know and What They Should Know: Research and Information Skills of First-Year College Students

10:30–11:45am Search Strategies of Millennial Undergraduates on the Web and in Library Databases

1:00–2:00pm Poster Sessions

12:00–2:00pm Pennysylvania Community College Library Consortium (PCCLC) Luncheon

1:00–2:00pm Poster Sessions

5:00 - ??? pm Tentative dine-out for CRD (check back for more info)

Tuesday Oct 26

9:00–10:00am Information Literacy through a Looking Glass: Assessment of a First-Year Experience Program for At-Risk Students

10:00–11:00amVisit the Exhibits!

11:00am–12:00pm You Can Be a Game Designer: Creating 3D Games to Teach Information Literacy Concepts

12:15–2:00pm College & Research Division Luncheon

2:00–3:00pm Visit the Exhibits/Vendor Showcases/Raffle Drawings

3:00–4:00pm Levity in the Library: Incorporating Humor in Instruction Without Being Robin Williams

4:00–5:00pmPoster Sessions

6:00–9:30pmAnnual Awards Banquet(advance registration required)

Wednesday Oct 27

9:00–10:15am Blogging to Develop Your Digital Identity: Crafting Your Personal Brand

9:00–10:15am "Yes, This IS a Real Job and You DO Need to Show Up on Time!" How to Hire, Train, and Retain Excellent Student Employees

10:15–11:15am Visit the Exhibits/Vendor Showcases

11:15am–12:30pm TEDx and Libraries: A Perfect Partnership for Community Engagement

12:45–2:45pmClosing Luncheon

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