Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The State of the State Networks 2009

Susan Pannebaker, Director, Office of Commonwealth Libraries
Joe Scorza, Executive Director, HSLC/Access PA
John Barnett, Assistant Director, PALCI
Catherine Wilt, President, and Ann Yurcaba, Director of Regional Services, Lyrasis

I always try to go to this session each year to get a sense of the overall library community statewide. It's basically a 'show and tell' session for the different speakers to review last year's developments and 'coming attractions' (or coming disasters?).

Susan spoke first; unfortunately, she has no good news to tell us. Budget essentially went to $3 million from $11 million. Will know more about the final outcome in the next few weeks. Things will be lost, no doubt. They are establishing priorities. However, some good news. They are starting a state partnership with WebJunction. Will subsidize some of the online courses, which will help with staff development. Can also develop some courses; let them know if there are courses you're interested in.

Joe Scorza was next. Spoke about programs "which may possibly continue; may possibly continue in different forms." They don't know yet what programs are going to go away.
1) 77 libraries are currently using Millennium System, which can automatically update AccessPA database
2) Access PA Digital Repository - ContentDM - 67 collections (approx.) - work with Pittsburg site to harvest data; host the websites. Approval process; currently no cost (may change?) - U. S. Civil War Collection at State Library, for example
3) POWERLibrary - over 40 databases currently; ceased development with WebFeat, looking at an alternative front-end interface for federated searching
4) Ask Here PA Virtual Reference Service - used by Gov Rendell himself; averaging over 500 questions a day; 70+ libraries; users very happy about it; 50% of activity supports school-age children
4) Access PA Online Training - had been using eCollege, but will be switching all training to WebJunction system; will no longer be doing live training, much more cost effective

John Barnett spoke next, from PALCI. They currently have about 75 member libraries, 70 in PA, 3 in NJ, 2 in WV (includes branch campuses). Traditional focus has been on resource-sharing (ILL); EZborrow and RapidILL. Also work with collection development, disaster preparedness, electronic resources. 28 institutions currently participate in RapidILL. 60 institutions now participate in EZBorrow. Number of books borrowed continues to grow. Sept. 2009 was busiest month so far, despite losing 4 schools. Uses Sirsi Dynix but are developing new software (Relais, a Canadian ILL) - May/June 2010 roll-out. Will eliminate 'groups'; but will target other collections, too, like e.g. open archives / open access collections.

RapidILL - developed by Colorado State U libraries; electronic delivery of journal articles predicated on 24-hour turnaround. Over 129 participants in US, Canada, East Asia, members are grouped into 'pods'. Cosmo pod (60 members) allows for 'cross-podination'. There is a PALCI pod, but you can 'qualify' to be members of different pods.

Other resource-sharing efforts - reciprocal ILL photocopying, and faculty borrowing privileges; members of IDS of PA.

Electronic resources:
ACS, Annual Reviews, ACM, eBrary, IEEE, MathSciNet, Opinion Archives, ProQuest, Reference USA, StatUSA; and adding more. Are looking at e-books right now.

CD & Management: CCD Task Force
-Shared print journal archive
-Focuses on print science journal collections by major scientific socieites: APS/ AIP, ACS
A-im is to have complete print runs to 2000; let libraries weed collections older than 10 years
-'Dark' archive for safe-keeping; 'light' archive for ILL
-Should be in place by Fall 2009

Disaster preparedness
-fostering collaborative approach to disaster preparedness
-received $25K LSTA grant to provide consortium-wide disaster preparedness raining and continuing ed; 6 regional training sessions planned; subcontracting with Tom Clareson, Lyrasis, to provide training
-MayDay activities - take 1 day out of year to do one thing for disaster preparedness
-Alliance for Response - goal is to do a state-wide program. In Pittsburgh, they have had discussions on mold-prevention, fire prevention, insurance and risk prevention, etc.

-not so much the mechanics, but the 'big picture'
-Digital collection guidelines for PA
-Pennsylvania Digital Library search interface (meta-data harvestor); PALCI supports Lyrasis mass digitization project

MINES for libraries ' Measuring the Impact of Networked Electronic Services'
-ARL protocol for determining electronic resource use, by whom and for what purpose
-provides info on electronic resource use; under development
-ARL has to work with systems people in your library

EBook collections
-also under development
-looking at

LOCKSS network - developing a PALCI network. There are 7 PALCI members currently participate in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)
-will be surveying members

Cathy Wilt and Ann Yuracaba of Lyrasis spoke next.
Lyrasis = Solinet, PALINET + NELINET; integrating services.
Ann is 'Legacy Palinet' representative.
What's in it for PALINET members - more services
1900 PALINET members; more than 4000 members overall

New service development:
-Digital services; want to support the other regional orgs. Received a grant to digitize PA libraries, based on open-access
-Enterprise-wide library computing - RFP for open source options. Examples: Drupal, Evergreen
-Collaborative collections - what will model be for delivering materials in future?
-Strategic Plan 2010-2012
-Consortial 'deals' with vendors
-Education: hundreds of classes, on-demand, etc. Expanded offerings: Ebooks (free seminar); Information Literacy, Management 101, Open Source, etc.
-Consulting: Strategic planning, Leadership and management, grant-writing assistance
-Technology - 'Tech Squad'; open source support
-Preservation & Digitization
-'My Lyrasis' account coming soon; also has job bank

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